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Tempest Hairhide Rug, 9'6" x 13'6", Ivory


Exquisite Rugs Tempest Hairhide Rug, 9'6" x 13'6" Details Hand-stitched rug. Made of dyed leather hair-on hide. Felt backing. Size is approximate. Imported. See our Rug Guide for tips on how to measure for a rug, choosing weaves and patterns, and more. Each of our high-quality hairhide rugs is made from natural materials, and no two are alike. Unique variations in each hide add to the authentic look. This is an all natural animal skin product that with regular wear will change in look over time. This product is not recommended for high traffic areas such as dining rooms, and special care should be exercised when moving furniture. Unfortunately, we cannot provide rug swatches at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. We recommend using a rug pad with every indoor rug to prolong its beauty by minimizing everyday wear and tear and providing a little breathing space to help prevent fiber damage. A pad also helps stabilize the rug, reducing slippage on hard floors. Color: IVORY. Material: AUTHENTIC LEATHER FASHION HIDE.

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